State Inspectorate
for Road Transport Control
for Road Transport Control
Following inspection and control activities carried out by inspectors within the State Inspectorate for Road Transport Control in the First quarter of 2019 were checked in roadside 47447 road vehicles /vehicle combinations, out of which 41556 owned by the transport operators /transport undertakings in Romania and 5891 owned by foreign carriers. On this occasion 7142 infringements finding reports have been drawn up in traffic; 6471 for Romanian transport operators / transport undertakings and 671 for foreign transport operators.
Also, there were performed 2471 checks at the headquarters of the carriers, 1553 on road transport undertakings, 493 checks at the operators performing activities related to road transport (bus station activities), 236 checks at the driving schools and 153 checks at the premises of undertakings which perform activities related to road transport (intermediation activities). Following these checks there were drawn up a total of 498 infringements finding reports